The University of Kansas, as the state's flagship institution, upholds that research and teaching are mutually reinforcing. As such, the Department of Biostatistics & Data Science provides an infrastructure of biostatistics, statistics, analytics, data science and informatics expertise that supports and enhances the research, service, and educational needs of KU's Medical Center and affiliates. In addition to offering a PhD in Biostatistics, MS in Biostatistics, MS in Applied Statistics, Analytics & Data Science (100% online), and an MS in Health Data Science (online or in-person), they have 5 graduate certificates. Through partnerships with Rockhurst University, Emporia State, and Pittsburg State, a reduced credit hour MS in Applied Statistics, Analytics & Data Science is also available in the form of 4+1 degree plans. A representative from the department will be available during the K-INBRE Symposium for more information about these graduate degree programs and to answer any questions you might have.
HelmsBriscoe streamlines the meeting planning process by managing the time-consuming task of researching, contacting, and evaluating venues for your organization’s events. Since 1992, HelmsBriscoe clients have benefited from our global reach, unsurpassed experience, and industry relationships.At HelmsBriscoe, we send the RFPs, track down the answers, follow-up with the hotels, and manage the entire site selection process on your behalf. Whether you are booking a large-scale association event, or a smaller corporate function, our team of industry professionals will work to match your meeting with the best venue at the best value based on your specific needs.
Sunflower Pediatric Clinical Trials (SPeCTr) was started in 2016 with investigators from KUMC receiving NIH funding to participate in the first cycle of ECHO IDeA States Pediatric Clinical Trials Network (ECHO ISPCTN). More information on the history of ECHO, IDeA and ISPCTN can be found at their website links below. SPeCTr was also awarded funding for the second cycle of the ECHO ISPCTN for the period of September 2020 through August 2025. Network goals include providing medically underserved and rural populations with access to clinical trials, building pediatric research capacity at a national level and supporting the professional development of faculty-level pediatricians and their support teams in the conduct of clinical trials research. Clinical trials are research studies that involve people. Most clinical trials are done in adults and there is a need to do more of them in children and young adults. Clinical trials test specific interventions which may be a drug, medical device or procedure, following a research protocol to determine if the new treatment options are safe and effective and work better than the standard treatment. Clinical trials may also improve the quality of life for kids with disease. With your participation, we can improve treatment options for future children & young adults.
Welcome to the Translational Hearing Center, an NIH/NIGMS-funded Center of Biomedical Research Excellence (CoBRE) committed to developing a cadre of translational auditory/vestibular research scientists developing biomedical and ototherapeutic solutions that preserve or restore hearing and vestibular function. We currently support 3 Research Projects Leaders (each at $200k per year for up to three years) and 3 Pilot Project Awardees (each at $50k for 1 year). The Center has 2 specialized Research Cores, the Auditory & Vestibular Technology Core, and the Drug Discovery & Delivery Core, to assist researchers in meeting their research goals.
Hearing loss in infants and children results in delayed acquisition of listening and spoken language skills critical for academic achievement and maximal career trajectories. In the aging population, hearing loss and vestibular deficits without appropriate rehabilitation accelerates aging and cognitive decline.
The Center is located at Creighton University, with nearby Boys Town National Research Hospital (BTNRH) and the University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC) as institutional partners. Our Overall goal is to build a critical mass of academi. The Translational Hearing Center is open to all researchers at Creighton, BTNRH and UNMC developing strategies to preserve or restore hearing and vestibular function. The Center is an inter-departmental, inter-school and inter-institutional collaborative research environment. For example, Research Core co-Directors are from:
Junior faculty from all three participating institutions are eligible for Pilot Awards (~4 per year) and Research Project Leader slots (when available; see “Request for Applications” tab) Center Committee members are at both Boys Town National Research Hospital and at University of Nebraska Medical Center. More Information can be found elsewhere on our website.
Whether you obtain your bachelor's degree, master's degree, doctorate or professional certificate, you'll know you're gaining a skill set essential to today's health care field. The School of Health Professions also offers opportunities to sharpen you skills once you've entered the workforce. These post-profession classes are just one more way the School of Health Professions commits to the preparation and marketability of its students. U.S. News & World Report has recognized graduate programs within the School of Health Professions in its rankings of higher education. Just as important are the recommendations of graduates who have achieved their career goals because of the education they received within the school.